
April 15, 2007
Sunday. I pressed the button on TurboTax to pay my federal and state taxes earlier this morning and a window popped that said I couldn't file online until I'd paid for my trial copy. What? Trial copy? Sunday, April 15th, taxes due tomorrow? What's this trial copy shit and how am I going to contact TurboTax on a Sunday, the day every last minute can't deal with it low life taxpayer in the universe is on the phone with questions? But I called. Who knows? Maybe they, you know, gear up for the weekend. A woman somewhere in India answered - ”Oh, yes. A trial copy of the software was included with your order to give to friends who might like to try it, you've loaded the trial copy, here's the code to unlock it.“ - and I was able to file. Before noon. I'm sure I missed a deduction or two, but that's the way it is, here in SoleProprietorLand.
The photograph was taken of a display in an Oakland office building with a Nikon D2Xs mounted with a 105mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR lens at 1/10th second, f 2.8, ISO 100..
