Again At Ten
Tuesday. And so to bed and lights out by ten to awaken twice during the night to essentially turn over and go back to sleep, all this resulting in awakening five minutes before six. OK, a little early, but we'll go through our usual shave, get dressed, fold the papers together after trashing the advertising sections routine and get out the door at six-thirty or so when there's plenty of light. Teary eyes and such along the way adjusting to the colder air, but arrived in good shape having the (single) pork chop entre for breakfast.
Later. The Nikon D500 I'd ordered in early January arrived at eleven, so it turned out to be best that I'd put off the scheduled haircut at that time until tomorrow. Charged the camera's batteries and fumbled about setting it up, the menus and buttons enough different from the D4 series cameras to be frustrating. A walk over to the lake to take a couple of pictures and then a bagel with cream cheese and coffee at the café by the fitness center.
Back to the apartment to look at the pictures. Hmm. Maybe the lens. I'd taken pictures on Sunday using the old D2x Nikon with the 180mm f 2.8 lens and so mounted that same lens on the D500 and took another walk along the lake going down to the bird sanctuary area again. Not as many ducks and other birds, but a few pictures just to see how they looked. Still have to read more of the manual to be sure I have all the necessary settings in place.
Processed the pictures. We'll see. More futzing with it tomorrow. The batteries are now charged and I have no excuse not to properly follow through on the setup, be sure it's right and take more pictures.
Buyer's remorse?
Not yet. The pictures of the Black Crowned Night Heron and Greater Scaup I'd posted Sunday were taken with the (again, much older) D2x and they look pretty decent. Not sure how I feel about the D500 photos at the moment, but again, need more time and patience.
And a clearer head.
When have I not needed a clearer head?
Evening. Dear Bernie seems to have been hosed in all but the Rhode Island primaries, Rhode Island the only state allowing unaffiliated voters to cast a ballot for the Democratic candidates. Such is life. California is coming up and, although the candidates will by then be decided, we'll still vote for Mr. Sanders.
Otherwise watched (or at least listened to) Democracy Now, checked out the first ten minutes of Charlie Rose and his now second interview with the President and then went to bed. Nothing I wanted to watch on the tablet and so lights out again at ten.