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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


April 23, 2019


Tuesday. Lights out early enough, but awakened on and off after three for an hour or so, awake and up finally at six to walk to breakfast on what will be another (they're saying) warm and sunny day. Warm enough and clear enough, anyway, while walking, a picture of a discarded chair that had appeared on the sidewalk at the base of my hill, the cart piled with discarded stuff now missing when I passed where it had sitting farther on. Arrived before seven to find the restaurant open, the lights on in the front, anyway, the doors open but the dining area dark. Turned on the lights and settled in with the papers.

The avocado (without the cheese) omelet, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, finishing up at a quarter to nine, the gas prices holding steady and so a walk under a bright (and quite warm) sun, taking the usual pictures and arriving home by nine. Shed the coat and the sweater, posted yesterday's entry and thought about taking a nap.

Later. A nap, at least an hour or so of zoning out, if that can be called a nap, up to watch a series on the tablet and then to listen to the usual news programs in the living room well into the afternoon before heading over to the construction site just up my street to take a couple of pictures and see if it was really up into the low eighties outside. It was. A picture for the hell of it of the now taped off parking area in front of the project fence on the way back. I was told that the construction people had become upset yesterday when people parked, blocking their access.

Evening. To bed by eight, turned the radio off after listening to the six minute PBS news broadcast at ten, a little later than in recent nights. We'll now see if we awaken again in the early morning and find it difficult to get back to sleep.

The photo up top was taken at the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.