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The Sole Prop's Sister?
A display behind glass at the offices of a shipping company in Oakland

Under here.

August 20, 2007

Oh? Oh?
Monday. A good day with breakfast at the usual café and lunch later with Mr. E at a sushi shop in Rockridge. Bam! and before I knew it the day is half done. A hint of days to come? Could be.

I filled out the last form I needed in order to complete my paperwork associated with retirement today and will mail it at the post office tomorrow. I've been putting this particular task off for the last six weeks. It took five minutes. I've been thinking about it and avoiding it for six weeks and it took five minutes?

Perhaps you understand why I've given myself two months to retreat into my head and listen to the white noise while drinking sake. Odd, but not unusual, I guess. Please don't avoid retirement just because of my particular experience, my buckos, this Sole Proprietor really does endorse it! (He likes white noise and sake, the swine.) So go for it! Oh? An idiot?

The photographs were taken of a display behind glass at the offices of a shipping company in Oakland with a Nikon D2Xs mounted with a 105mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR lens at 1/90th second, f 3.2, ISO 640.