
August 31, 2007
Seasoned Retiree
Friday. It's been warm this week, “spare the air” days declared for both Wednesday and yesterday which allow people to ride free on bus lines and BART to keep cars off the road. This morning is clear, the sun is out, the temperature rising just as it has throughout the week, I am sitting here at the computer with the fan blowing air across my body. Which is nice. For whatever reason I was up til midnight waking up this morning around seven-thirty, so I think I'll take a nap pretty quick. Lots of activity for a Friday, don't you think?
Art & Soul here in Oakland for three days starting tomorrow. I'm going to see if I can't attend all three days and work at getting more than one or two decent pictures, see if I can't suck it up and keep at it like a good little street photographer. Today marks the end of that first two months after retirement I talked about earlier where I said I was just going to let my brain go to white noise and not worry about doing anything more strenuous than walking to breakfast. Well, something like that. We'll see what the weekend does, where my head is now that I'm a seasoned retiree. Dee-del-dee-dee.
The photograph was taken at the 2007 Sistahs Steppin' in Pride Parade in Oakland with a Nikon D2Xs mounted with a 70 - 200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR lens at 1/160th second, f 3.5, ISO 100.
