
August 7, 2009
Crisp And Sunny
Friday. Up, breakfast, a nap, a talk with the computer shop who now think it's a fan failure on my video card, a negotiation to upgrade the motherboard, cpu, ram and video card to later versions settling on a price, upgrading PhotoShop later in the afternoon on the laptop from CS3 to CS4 (it will take them some time to order the parts so we're using the laptop for the next few days I'm afraid), PhotoShop telling me I've acivated CS4 one too many times, on the phone now waiting on a customer support rep to fix this fucking problem, pissed. Otherwise, it's Friday, the day crisp and sunny at the end of the rainbow, here in Oakland.
The photograph was taken of a portion of a mural under the Highway 580 overpass on Grand with a Nikon D3 mounted with a 24 - 70mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at f 5.6 at 1/30th second, ISO 200.
