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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


December 27, 2015


Sunday. I did manage to stretch it out until nine-thirty last night before turning out the lights, half an hour before my target time of ten. All this babble over keeping the sleep routine in balance, but I guess half an hour off now and again isn't too much a transgression. Odd to obsess over such stuff? Probably. Awake at six instead of six-thirty, so the sleeping time was on target, even though uneven.

You really do go on and on.

Not much happening otherwise and if we're going to do boring, we might as well double down and do it right.

Anyway, out the door with the morning papers to drive to breakfast. Another cold day with bright sun, although I'm seeing some clouds now as I write. They're saying no rain this coming week.

Later. Overcast and cold, so the living room heat is on high while watching the 49er's go down to defeat. At least I believe they went down to defeat as I turned it off in the fourth quarter before they'd finished. Super Bowl coming up, so the games somehow seem more interesting.

You haven't watched football in years.

An obvious character defect.

A walk to the 7-11 look-alike for an ice cream bar and a package of Good & Plenty (you may be noticing a pattern here) taking all of two pictures for today's entry, the sun coming out from behind the clouds, but still quite cold. Not a lot of people about.

Later still. It's looked like rain more than not out there for a while, the weather people now saying a sixty percent chance of rain today and then clear through this coming weekend. An afternoon spent looking for things to watch on television and some short time on the guitar, not much else needed for entertainment.

Evening. Nothing on television. One of the three PBS stations is still raising money and so nothing worth watching there. I'm a large part of their demographic, but concerts by bands, some of who's music I once collected and followed, no longer appeal. Odd to see some of them on a public television station since, when they were in their prime, you had to go to an alternative FM station to find them. Times and people, even us old(er) people, change.

The photo was taken walking to the 7-11 look-alike this afternoon with the Nikon D4 mounted with a 24-120mm f/4.0 VR Nikkor lens.