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San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade

February 21st, 2006

He Said
Monday. Cold, this morning. It's been cold for the last week. Ice on the cars parked out on the street in the early mornings. Yes, yes. Nothing like what real people are experiencing out there in the outer world that lies beyond the bridges, but this is Oakland, a city that sits with San Francisco at the end of the rainbow where ice is something you find in the kitchen freezer.

Laundry, a sign of energy or desperation? I'm going with energy, although desperation comes a close second. A quick trip to the office to move one last load of rare and valuable junk from the lab on the 5th floor to the new lab on the 10th floor, too much junk in too little space now moving to even less space. This is what I do when my head is feeling pretty good, the laundry and unfinished business at the office? Go figure.

Tuesday. Lunch at a sushi restaurant near the office, a flask of sake with the meal, a good swipe at cleaning the new lab by filling a bin with assorted obsolete over three years old computer crap and leaving early to catch the last half hour of the News Hour on public television. Well, leaving early. It just happened I arrived in time to see the last half of the News Hour. Yes, the mouth and sinuses were aching, but not so bad, not so bad.

I walked home from work - not on purpose, the bus runs a different schedule in the middle of the afternoon - sticking my head in a photographer's shop that I've been passing on my way to work. Really large portraits displayed in the window, the shop open, the photographer (as it happens) inside. An interesting conversation with someone who seems to be creating photographs on his own terms and making the rent. Interesting, he said.

The photograph was taken at the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade with a Nikon D2x mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens and an SB-800 strobe light at 1/60th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.