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Ms. Emmy Cat behind pillows in Oakland

February 3, 2007

Soon Enough
Saturday. OK, the flu or whatever I had is gone, little if anything left, even in the chest, and I'm back to Sole Proprietor Land with an additional edge of perspective. After three weeks of living in my bedroom I had the energy this morning to unpack the new bed set I received from Macy's three weeks ago, stripping off the old set and tucking in the new. Nice. Stacked the books and magazines covering the floor between the bed and the bookcase: magazines in the paper trash, books stacked now in piles. Where to put them? They look better than they did. I can navigate between them, but they need to be on shelves. Do I have some old computer books I can toss, make room for the contents of this never ending stream of packages I have arriving from Amazon? Probably. But not today. I do have energy again, but I'm not quite up for miracles yet.

It's odd how a little thing like looking over your bedroom and thinking, well, why don't I, you know, sweep up some of the cat hair that seems to have accumulated over the months and thinking, well, not thinking at all and falling into the sack can make such a big difference. It's not as bad as I'm describing, but it is nice to be back to noticing my surroundings and doing something about it. And acting on the thought there's a picture peeking at me through the new sheets, where's the camera?

The February wave of layoffs leaves the company this Tuesday the 6th. Not the largest of the three groups, by far the larger is leaving in April, but familiar faces are leaving with more familiar faces to follow. Not to worry. My own time in June is coming soon enough. Can't come soon enough.

The photograph was taken just now with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17-55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/30th, f 2.8, ISO 500.