
February 23, 2007
Maybe Forever
Friday. So, the weather has been wonderful, the day has been bearable, the weekend is coming and I am looking forward to the morrow. Not that I'll do anything on the morrow, but attitude is everything (the medicos say when they're being quoted), here in Oakland.
I had lunch today with a friend who reminded me she'd been the one who was approached by Shorenstein security on a recent weekend while standing on the sidewalk outside of our building and told she wasn't allowed to take a photograph of her husband with our (“their”) building in the background. Which makes even less sense. This was followed this evening with an email from a reader who'd once worked in my building who told a story about Shorenstein security asking a worker in the building to “use the back door” as the rubber wheels on her wheel chair were leaving marks on the lobby floor. But this is enough for Shorenstein; now and maybe forever.
Did I mention it's Friday? Yes I did. Here in Oakland.
The photograph was taken at a going away party with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17-55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/5th second, f 2.8, ISO 800.
