The Simpsons chess set: Bart, pawn.
February 1st, 1999

Sleep On It For a Week
It took something close to an Act of Congress around here, but I finally took some pictures using the digital camera and some small strobes set up on the three light stands I received last week. Now I need to experiment, maybe even write things down as I go along (how many lights, where placed, how far away, f stop, shutter speed and so forth) so I can reliably repeat them in the future. Depressing idea, writing things down, but I'll do it. Jack here is the first result. I know it knocks your socks off, but what the hell, it knocks everybody's socks off.

I like the stupid thing. I gives me pleasure to see it on the screen. I need to play with the light and shadow. The colors aren't very good. Each of the little Barts has a reflection from the strobes on his upper lip. They had two little dots before I turned off one of the lights. This is very rough stuff, but I'll get some time to play with them over the weekend.

I'm not sure why I go through all this procrastination stuff before I'm willing to sit down, read a manual, set it up and shoot. I say, well I need more space. Right. I did my first black and white photography in a closet sized bathroom with cast off equipment that fought you over every print and I used it day in and day out. Now that I have decent stuff to work with, why all the fuss?

The digital camera. It came with two CD's, one with the installation software, the other with the manual (in 14 languages and 23 dialects). I spent a lot of money on the camera, yet I managed to misplace the CD manual and not notice it for two months. I found it finally, but only after rousting out the entire apartment My desk is neat and clean at the moment and that's good, but why would I buy a new camera and immediately misplace an important part? Just space out and let it drop through the cracks? I have some sense of why I do this with taxes. Lose Turbotax. The state tax CD. My mind. But this?

Once I'd found the manual and figured out how to push the right buttons to knock back the flash intensity a bit, I set up the equipment. I pushed a couple of buttons and the photograph came out. Two hours looking for a CD misplaced two months ago and ten minutes to set up and shoot. I don't think I'd hire me for the job. Any job. Bright guy, but, you know, incompetent.

Went to my appointment today with the doctor in Palo Alto for the sleep study follow up. The effect of the first operation was to eliminate the snoring, but had no noticeable affect on the apnea itself. I still wake up some horrendous number of times every hour without the little CPAP pump and the plastic mask.

The next operation they will move the jaw forward, perhaps in stages. First the top, six weeks later the bottom. Wonderful. Six weeks looking, well, the doctor admitted to extremely weird, so immediately I'm envisioning Quark without the brow. I will push this into the back of my mind right now and sleep on it for a week.

As you can see, the banner photograph was taken in my kitchen ten minutes ago. Well, maybe twenty minutes.