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Under Construction

Oakland City Hall concert

January 1st, 2003

So There
A good day, this first day of the year. Bright sun, reasonably warm, a fair number of people out having breakfast around nine when I managed to stumble out the door. Many restaurants closed, but not mine, not mine, and the new year has started nicely.

After noon I got out thinking I'd get a sandwich at the local 7 - 11 look alike. Not particularly hungry, but, you know, get out of the house, test the legs, bring something back for later. A bus pulled up as I was walking and whispered my name, so I boarded (hello bus) and rode downtown. Another walk, this time a mile around Chinatown shooting one, maybe two photographs, neither of which were of any interest, but at least I used the camera.

A bus back home, then on to that sandwich, but this time at a cafe near my apartment. Tuna on black bread, what else? Life goes on, a little dizzier, perhaps, but on. The rumor is many things will be announced Friday at the office and it will be good to see what this is about, but there have been many rumors over this last year. I'm not looking forward to my job - we all pretty much agree their plan is to grind us down like vermin and then replace us when we complain - but who knows, we're often wrong. A new year, a new world. It's good to be alive (and not dripping).

So, some resolutions?

No resolutions. This whole journal is a set of unrealized resolutions. A good resolution would be to skip writing resolutions. I will enter my seventh decade this year. There should be more to life than what I've been doing (what have I been doing?). I don't got to write no stinkin' resolutions!

So there?

So there.

The photograph was taken at a concert in front of Oakland City Hall.