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San Francisco Gay Pride parade

January 22nd, 2006

No Complaints
Saturday. Morning, after breakfast; overcast, a light rain. Gwen has put together a photographer's gathering at the lake for noon. They say we'll see sun in the afternoon, but I wouldn't be willing to bet on it looking through my window. Still....

Sunday. The photo shoot went well considering the sake I'd drunk the night before. This morning I'm feeling jumpy, but that seems to be part of the territory for weekend mornings in the middle of winter. You can blame many things on winter, even in California.

A drive over to Telegraph near the University, a quick walk up then down on the opposite side of the street, a look at the photography books in Moe's (I don't need any more photography books), a drive back. The jumpy feeling. A walk downtown later in the afternoon, a bus ride back. I need to do more walking (he says). Maybe I will, you never know.

You know.

Actually I'm feeling it might happen. I'm writing about “jumpy” feelings and the rest, but the head has been feeling better these last couple of weeks. The jaw almost like a regular jaw, the sinuses the way sinuses feel when a cold is breaking up. After three years? I'd have no complaints.

The photograph was taken at the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade with a Nikon D2x mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR Nikkor lens at 1/320th second, f 2.8 and ISO 200.