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Jack London Square, Oakland.

Under here.

January 24, 2009

Exciting Saturday
Saturday. Early morning, back from breakfast, the sky overcast and looking like rain with rain projected through the weekend. Not enough rain to make a difference, of course, something like .04 inch in Oakland yesterday (says this morning's Chronicle), a shame to sit through all this dark weather without helping with the drought, but no complaints, no complaints.

Difficult to get to sleep last night after all the sleep I got yesterday, nothing too surprising, I guess. We'll see what the nap schedule looks like today. I've been thinking of heading over to see Wilson early this afternoon, see how he's progressing, maybe bring along a movie or two although I'm not sure I have much of anything around here he hasn't seen. He, unlike I, hasn't lost his interest in or consumption of films and hangs with a group that trades movies back and forth like, I don't know, baseball cards. I hate to think what my own consumption would have been with the web the way it is today when I was in my twenties and thirties. Or, for that matter, my teens. These new generations will indeed bring a different background and culture to the main stream (once us old folks have died off and gone to, um, heaven).

Later. Well, too bad. I talked with Ms. C this morning suggesting I'd come by the hospital after noon and she thought that was fine, but in talking to Wilson later he told her he'd scheduled a drawing session with a friend. So I stuck my head in the door, said hello, learned he was busy and drove back home. What the hell, it got me out of the house, got me to a gas station of fill up the car, got me to a seven-eleven look alike for cat food and crackers. All necessary items with the afternoon now ahead and my Korean soap later in the evening. Makes for an exciting Saturday here in Oakland.

The photograph was taken in Jack London Square in Oakland with a Nikon D3 mounted with an 24 - 70mm f2.8 Nikkor G lens at 1/2500th second, f2.8, ISO 200.