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January 3, 2010

Something Better
Pisces (Feb. 18-March 19): Well, Pi, aren't you the lucky one! Jupiter, the expansive godfather of the Cosmos will hang in your sign throughout much of 2010. Already you should be feeling his expansive influence. An old personality structure is falling away, a more confidant you is arising. Time to go with your passion, expand and fly. The decision-making opportunity afforded by the new moon in your sign on March 15 can be the most important of your entire life. Expect concrete evidence of this on Aug. 23 and reap the benefits you so richly deserve.

Sunday. We'll leave the dates and times of special Piscean significance to Minerva. We'll go with the overall tenure of the piece. A good year ahead. My, my. This last year was interesting, indeed, brought me along in my young existence, taught me a lesson or two about myself. This is good. If more of the same is to come, building block upon block, that's good too if you think you're going to live forever. Lessons for when? The hereafter? We go on learning, “anyone not busy being born is busy dying”, but you'd think some things would be handled and put up on the shelf after over sixty years. Are we grousing? We are not grousing. We are in a good mood, this new decade, and we will make some modest effort of keep our yap shut when the urge to go on like this arises. Starting tomorrow. Tuesday maybe. These things must be handled with delicacy.

To bed at ten, up at eight, a good night's sleep I would think. No aches and pains from sleeping too long on one side or the other. Never sure how that works. Why do you wake up one morning with an aching, say, right hip from sleeping in the same position too long and then not another? What mechanism refuses to function? “Hey! Turn over! We're getting all scrunched up here!” Indeed. Cells and genes and dna and such. All coming to pieces.

The sun is out. Should have started with that. Bright, in my eyes coming through the sliding glass door to the balcony at the moment. Too early to feel the urge to head out into the wilderness with a camera, but the urge will come. Part of my routine. Part of my rut. Breakfast, the papers, the walk around Oakland. Keeps the spirits up. Gives me something to start the journal.

Later. One of those stand at the bus stop and think as the bus seems to be running late: do I really want to go anywhere? If so, where? Do I really want to do this? Nobody's going to be open downtown: no coffee, no place to sit. Do I really want to do this?

The bus came, I got on; I got off, however, at Broadway and Grand, half way to the downtown and walked over to Telegraph thinking “bus to Berkeley”. No bus in sight. A walk toward the downtown on Telegraph, a picture here, a picture there, nothing to ring anyone's bell. Still no bus. A walk then back toward the apartment on Broadway, having cut over from Telegraph, and then a bus the rest of the way home. The obligatory picture of the tree. Then a walk up the hill in winter late morning light. Then a nap.

For whatever sleep I got last night, a nap seems to have been the necessary compliment to completely turn the trick. An hour maybe, perhaps less than that, up now sitting here at the computer with the sun streaming in the window just as it was this morning, just as I was this morning, the day only half done at one. Let's see how this plays out. We are in a new year here, a tear it up year of good deeds and such, let's see what the Fates have in store for the afternoon, this third day of January, a new decade ahead.

Later still. The afternoon has turned into a back up the month of December to DVD afternoon with a brief interlude to trash the old CD/DVD printer and order another from Amazon, one that doesn't use this trashy put the DVD on a plastic transport card and then stick it in the printer slot that no longer can do anything but jam. The review of the printer I ordered described this very problem he'd been having with the evil Epson and convinced me to order this made by Dymo new one. Hup! Hup! Good to get on with replacing the printer, good to start catching up on the backups. I count this as a good day of a new year bent on something better.

The photograph was taken at the 2009 Oakland Children's Christmas Parade with a Nikon D3s mounted with an 70 - 200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens at f 5.6 at 1/40th second, ISO 200.