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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 13, 2019


Sunday. Awoke at ten to six this morning after a decent night's sleep. Seems to have gone alright. Dawdled again getting up and getting ready to drive to breakfast, the streets dry, no rain in sight, to arrive at five minutes to seven, the restaurant dark, the door to the dining area open and so sitting down to start on the papers until the first waitresses arrived.

The waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries and coffee for breakfast after yesterday's Eggs Benedict reminded me some of the menu items still have the power to bring on ocular migraine-like or what I'm calling related incidents. Still have no proof it's true, but certain breakfasts remain suspect. I was keeping a written track of these once, maybe should do it again.

Finished up just before nine and left with the sun shining (mostly) to drive home, pick up the mail in the lobby (the mailman has been coming after seven in the evenings now for some time) and settle in to post yesterday's entry and think about what there may be to do this day that I haven't done in a while.

Later. A short walk over to the lake to sit at one of the benches for a while, taking but a few pictures. Certainly better than yesterday's outing at about the same time, the head clearer, but the sinus-upper palate thing still aches and the vision takes a while to adjust to the sunshine. Ah, well. Back to the apartment to vegetate and put together something for lunch.

Evening. Skipped out on watching the second of two Elementary episodes, checked out a Swedish detective program on another channel for maybe ten minutes before giving up and going to bed and the tablet. Will it be raining in the morning? No signs of rain here so far, the Weather Underground web site saying a twenty-five percent chance of rain in the morning, the various weather news broadcasts saying rain on the way for the next seven days.

The photograph was taken at the #RedForEd Teachers Strike demonstration at the Oakland City Hall yesterday with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 Nikkor VR lens.