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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


January 20, 2019


Sunday. Not so bad. I did get to sleep early (nothing on the radio of interest and I was burned out on the tablet) and awakened at ten minutes to six, early, but again, not so bad. Up to drive to breakfast in a very light rain, they're saying quite a bit more rain later today and into the evening. Arrived at the restaurant at five minutes to seven, the restaurant dark, but the dining area door again open and so turned on the lights and settled in with the Sunday papers.

Had the two strips of bacon, eggs over medium, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast to finish up by something like a quarter to nine, a little early for reading the Sunday papers, and drove home under a light rain on this Martin Luther King weekend.

Later. Watched both of today's football games, both quite exciting, both ending in overtime. Again, I haven't followed football these last several decades, but nice to spend an afternoon with it again, two really exciting/interesting games. One can only hope the Super Bowl in February will be as interesting.

Rah! Rah!

Well, it's the truth. Nothing on I wanted to watch otherwise.

Evening. Felt tired, as the evening came on, and so headed for bed not long after seven, quite early for me. I did process more of the Women’s March pictures to realize I can pull enough for a web section out of them, which is nice. Now if I can get my ass in gear and follow through it might actually happen.

Lights out just after nine and then right to sleep. I really was tired.

The photograph was taken at the Women’s March demonstration at the Oakland City Hall today with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR II lens.