Young ladies at Jerry Brown's inauguration speech.
January 5th, 1999

More Photography, I'm Afraid
I wrote about the photographs I'd taken yesterday at the Jerry Brown I haven't a clue, what or why. inauguration speech in front of city hall. I arrived late and didn't quite use a full roll of film in stalking the crowd, but there were one or two that I liked and have included here. I see conventions and events like this one in terms of black and white, shooting inside and outside with black and white film. I want to shoot more of this stuff in precisely these situations, but with a more critical eye and a lot more practice and education. I'm not sure where this is going, but I have a feeling it will pick up steam and have an unpredictable impact on my life. This is just the raw beginning, the first stumbling steps.

Young woman at Jerry Brown's inauguration speech. The photo to the left of the young woman looking so self absorbed and alone was a gift, really. She was totally unaware of her surroundings and the old fart photographer walking near by. In looking at the photograph I can see a lot of things I would have done differently if I'd been thinking.

And the problem is thinking. You have to slap yourself, I think, and say "hey, what's happening here, how can this image be framed and exposed and shot to make a more powerful statement? And you have to make any adjustments to the camera in a kind of not thinking automatic mode distilled from practice. Some of it's here, but I need to practice more, get out of the house and learn. Keep focused, listen, shoot my little photographs, write my little journal and tend to my web. I get a lot of pleasure in this process, seeing the layout of the page, working on this god awful copy, so on with it.

I'm tired right now and I think I should probably go to bed and take a pass on today's entry. It's cold in this place and I need to get off my ass and have the heater fixed or go out and buy an electric one from the hardware store and see if the wiring in this house will handle it. They include the power and gas in the rent, so why not? Cold sucks. Not having a clue as to what to write sucks. Actually, I did have a clue. I started something two or three times earlier this evening and realized I needed more than a night to think it through and write it. So I'll run three photographs instead of five or six and get up early and take a long bath and think clever thoughts for tomorrow's journal in the tub. A dub.

The banner photograph was taken near Oakland City Hall during Jerry Brown's speech after inauguration. Kind of a walking along, "oh yeah", shoot the picture thing. Only good thing about it is the expression on the girl to the right, but what the hell, it makes a decent banner. The other three photographs were taken in the same crowd.