You Callin Bud?
I walked down to Jack London Square early this afternoon to check out this Port Fest thing. Not much going on, no one up on stage when I arrived. A good walk, though, and I took a couple of pictures of a guy in a pirate costume with three large parrots on his shoulders. Nice touch, the parrots. Actually not a bad shot. He had lots of silver rings on his fingers, some character to his face. I should have hung longer, sat down, caught my breath, waited for another band to perform, but this afternoon turned into a long walk, a parrot on a pirate and a bus ride home.
Yesterday's entry was too long and not overly coherent. Maybe I'll look at it again one day with a clearer eye. This thing with the head gets in the way. Add it to an hour's writing and you're swimming through mud. Mental mud. Bud.
Who you callin Bud?