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June 1, 2010

Be Nice
Tuesday. A decent day, yesterday, finishing the late afternoon and evening working in Photoshop, going through the Carnaval photographs again for some reason, coming up with another twenty-one for a third page that I'll finish later today and post. I've done that in the past, gone through whatever it was I was shooting, finishing a page or two thinking I'd tapped out whatever I had on hand, just managing to scrape together enough that were usable and then going back to inexplicably find another twenty or so I'd overlooked. Overlooked? Twenty photographs? Overlooked?

Later. Back from lunch with three of the old office crew about thirty minutes east of here at a barbecue place in Alamo none of us had ever been to before, picked by Mr. C from a phone book looking for a restaurant about equal distance from each of our various locations on a Tuesday at noon. It turned out well, the place had a patio out back next to a small stream, the temperature right, the sun shining (the birds singing, the laughter of small children rippling in the distance). Well, it was OK. A small Caesar salad with three barbecue grilled shrimp on top. Easy to eat, satisfying. I was actually thinking about that, a barbecue place and my current lack of appetite. Still strange to be thinking about such, after my first sixty-six years of gluttony on the planet, going to a barbecue place and not finding anything to eat.

Before setting out I went over the Carnaval photographs again and decided I really didn't have twenty-one that were worth putting up. Hmm. What was I thinking last night? Just because I found twenty I consider to be the best twenty from a remaining group of over two hundred doesn't mean those twenty are necessarily all that good. Some are. I can always use them to upgrade the weaker photos, no reason to particularly worry about it. Think about it. They'll all end up running here in the journal anyway this coming month. Generating photographs for the journal is my main impetus, got to have two on any given day to post. Still, I'll look at them again, try to determine what it was that seems to have gotten me so hyped last night.

Later still. OK, another run through the photographs, redoing some in Photoshop, finding others to replace those I no longer liked. Around in circles? I would think. But I have put them up (hup! hup!). Who knows where this will go with all this sudden enthusiasm for working in Photoshop?

No work then on the framing project?

Now, now. Be nice.

The photograph was taken exiting the 24th Street BART station on the way to the San Francisco 2010 Carnaval parade with a Nikon D3 mounted with a 24 - 70mm f 2.8 Nikkor G lens at f 5.6 at 1/25th second, ISO 2000.