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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


June 20, 2018


Wednesday. I seem to recall it was lights out by ten, to get up but once briefly to take a leak, then wide awake just after six. So good. I'm guessing. Overcast and cool without being cold, they're saying much warmer weather starting on Friday. A decent walk to breakfast to arrive just as the waitress arrived to let the waiting baked goods delivery man and me right on in. I'd like to say “delivery guy and I”, but English, you know. It has rules.

Which you break more often than not, particularly with your loose relationship with commas and setting off clauses. Sloppy.

Lazy and, more often than I like to think, dumb.

Had the French toast with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, the newspapers dominated by the separation stories of children from their parents at the border. There was also an interesting radio interview with Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now! as I was preparing to leave for breakfast. Throw in some stuff on tariffs and the morning is off and running.

I'm due to get the monthly Protime blood thinner test today, but I might put it off until tomorrow. I suspect I'll do it, but for once I'm not sure.

Later. Wrote the above, looked at the watch, thought about lying down for a while, but decided to head out the door to catch the bus to Broadway and walk on to the lab. Best to do it right away, if you're going to do it at all, seems to be the key. For me.

Had the blood drawn and then had a yogurt-oats-fruit mix something or other with coffee out at a table at the lab building café before heading back to Broadway, having taken a series of pictures of the apartment house complex still under construction across from the lab.

A bus came by while walking down Broadway and so arrived at Grand with enough time to take pictures at 2330 Webster and 2302 Valdez with four minutes left over to spare before a return bus arrived. Home by one, the day done, the task accomplished.

Later still. The doctor's office called to say the blood thinner was within bounds, the first time they've called on the day the test was taken rather than the day after. So good. Ordered Seymour Hersh's book from Amazon after hearing his interview on Democracy Now! this morning. Now we'll see if I read it. Finished processing today's pictures while listening to the news wrapping up another afternoon.

Evening. Nothing on television, but stayed up to check out the Midsomer Murders that started at eight. Bailed soon after. Watched bits and pieces of various things I have going on the tablet and turned the lights out at ten. Seems to work for me, this lights out by ten. At ten.

The Oakland Sex Workers Protest taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.