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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


June 21, 2020


Sunday. Again, fireworks until one o'clock last night, making it impossible to get to sleep and so awakened at seven. Seven isn't so bad, the alarm set for seven-fifteen and so up and off to drive to breakfast under clear skies on what the weather people are saying will be a high later in the mid seventies, pulling up and parking right in front of the restaurant to again retire to the back of the blocked off dining room, turn on the lights and settle in with the papers.

Ordered the plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee, still fighting with the weight, finishing up at nine-thirty to set out for the car and drive straight home under a bright morning sun, taking the selfie in the lobby and then settling in to finish yesterday's entry, having bailed on it quite early in the early afternoon. We'll know soon enough how we handle it here. More golf on television again? Golf?

There was a story in the Times about the fireworks lasting until after midnight in New York, the loudness of the fireworks and the people's complaints they couldn't sleep, exactly matching what's been happening here, at least in the loudness, the commercial grade level of the fireworks and how late they persisted. Interesting reading.

Later. Took a walk over to the lake to find a fairly large crowd and so on to the white column pergola and back, keeping a decent distance, only about half the people wearing masks. You expect that with people settled down on blankets, but a good half of those passing on the path were either not wearing masks or had them pulled down. Didn't take the camera out of the backpack as there were no birds about (other than the gulls) and nothing else to catch my interest.

Watched the golf tournament that had been delayed by rain well into the afternoon with some interest, watched more of a Korean series on the tablet and that's been pretty much it for the afternoon.

Evening. Another wind it up early and to bed before nine this evening, the fireworks still going off nearby to keep me awake until well after eleven, but otherwise another not bad Sunday evening following on after an otherwise not particularly bad day.

Happy Father's Day!