
March 1, 2007
I Doubt It
Wednesday. OK, into work this morning, only to leave at one. I figured I was tired and taking a nap this afternoon would help: replenish the energy, back to work tomorrow. Everyone along with their husbands, wives and kids have caught some flavor of this crap - I say crap, but I'm imagining a tribe of viruses standing in line to take their turn in taking us down one by one by one - so no complaints from anyone leaving early to put my feet up and take a nap. And then another nap. And then fit in a nap in the early evening before turning in for the night.
Thursday. Out for the day, the chest turned liquid, bursts of coughing, a day staring at walls.
Friday. Better. Back to work, even though I left somewhat early to take a nap, the blood pressure down twenty points below normal when I got home. No idea what that's about. Which means I've got a shot at the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade tomorrow, maybe even put last year's photos on artandlife. I've had last year's photos sitting on my hard drive for a year, why I'm not sure. Maybe this energy that's translated into a spiffier apartment will translate into an updated artandlife. But I doubt it.
The photograph was taken at an after work get together in Oakland with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17-55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/20th second, f 2.8, ISO 1600.
