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Friday night at the Nantucket restaurant.

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March 9, 2008

Outcome Is Right
Sunday. As an aside, having had breakfast with a good friend who BARTed over from San Francisco this morning to meet at the Oakland Grill, I skipped the blood pressure medicine I normally take in the morning and took a blood pressure reading when I got home in the early afternoon (a bog standard one-twenty over eighty normal). I pick up the smaller dose tablets tomorrow. Let me tell you I take this as a good sign. I was wondering if the symptoms I was experiencing weren't telegraphing something that was coming. Turns out a lower dose of this damned new blood pressure stuff is all that may be coming and I can (literally) live with that. Now where's a camera? The sun is bright, I've had a good breakfast, the temperature is good and the day excellent.

Do you really need to tell the world about your aches and pains, ups and downs?

Of course. Otherwise why would I be doing it? Now if I were ever to be in a position again where I needed to get a job....

Later. Back from a walk down by the lake then over to my usual breakfast place where they have a jazz quartet on Sunday afternoons, one or two pictures while sitting at a table, now home. None of the shortness of breath or the other problematic symptoms whatsoever, a curious feeling of increased energy, not so much physical as psychic, leading to thoughts of starting this or going back and picking up again on that. An interlude I'm over analyzing (of course) that won't pan out? Who knows, but I'm an easy sell when the outcome seems good. No, I don't want to buy your bridge but some conceits are relatively harmless and leave you feeling good. What's bad about that? I have no trouble playing a fool when the outcome is right.

The photograph was taken Friday night at the Nantucket restaurant with a Nikon D3 mounted with a 24 -70mm f 2.8 Nikkor G lens at 1/40th second, f 2.8, ISO 4000.