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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


March 19, 2018

At All

Monday. Not much of a night's sleep after finally going under after midnight. Hard to say how much I really got, as I was perhaps dozing in and out of a light sleep, remembering the times I looked over at the clock. Still, awake at six to take my time getting up on a clear morning. They're saying rain tomorrow, but a nice, if cool day, today. The eyes watering as usual while walking, passing by the Grand Fare Market and the leaflets that had been torn from their window after a bout of rage last night.

Had the eggs Benedict, country potatoes, fruit cup and coffee breakfast. One forty-eight point something on the scale this morning, might as well indulge. Read the papers and walked home by the pandorea buds, as usual, then taking the obligatory picture of the sidewalk, another of the torn posters and leaflets at the Grand Fare Market, the flowers below the Lakeshore school (easing off an additional third of a stop on the camera) and another picture along the sidewalk. Are we a nut in a rut? No need to ask.

The stomach is a little queasy, has continued to show twitches since Friday's adventure with pasta and clam sauce, but otherwise things seem on target. Maybe a nap before blathering on about what to do with myself later, maybe a nap and then choosing to blather on about something else.

Later. Can't really say I'm tired, although I did lie down for a while in the late morning. No interest in going outside and so listening to the news and little else on both the radio and on television. Remembered finally the last time the iPad had started kicking me out of every app I tried to open and rebooted the damned thing. Looked it up on the Internet and that brought back the memory it had in fact happened in the past. Rebooting is easy enough. Rebooting the brain seemingly a bit harder.

Evening. To bed again early, but thinking getting to sleep would be easier. And is was. The sleep time overall seems pretty good and if I didn't babble about it here I'd probably not be thinking about it at all.

Last year's Saint Patrick's Day Parade taken with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.