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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


March 5, 2019


Tuesday. Lights out before ten to awaken at a quarter past six. Good. Up to check the weather - raining - and so driving to breakfast, the restaurant open when I arrived at five minutes before seven.

Splurged on the Eggs Benedict, country potatoes, fruit cup and coffee breakfast, finishing up by a quarter to nine to head to the car under a very light rain, home then to look at a yesterday's messy unfinished entry and just posting the thing without particular regret.

We've learned to handle “without particular regret” with facility these days so we don't have to do something about it, leaving it to sit in the trash with the unfinished teachers strike web section and all of the many others like it.

Are we bitching?

We're just frustrated we're not more frustrated. Maybe we've achieved the goal of “living in the moment” as opposed to the more likely “kidding ourself” bull, telling ourself “living in the moment” doesn't include doing something about any issues that may come up.

Just stop.

Later. Tired today, starting just after finishing yesterday's entry and posting before heading to bed for an hour. Up afterward to check the weather and decide to go by the Broadway ATM while it wasn't raining, only to head down to the bus stop and then return when the bus didn't arrive. Cold out there in the wind, even bundled up in the heavy winter jacket. Not the first time the twelve-twenty bus hasn't arrived.

A forty minutes later bus to the ATM, but missing the return bus, either missing it or that particular return bus was the bus that hadn't arrived earlier. Who knows? A walk over to the two apartment house construction sites to take the usual set of pictures, having brought the little Nikon 1 V3 camera strapped around the neck and hidden under the winter jacket this time.

So a walk home, stopping by the 7-11 look-alike for a pint of ice cream. I'd been hungry after breakfast, but couldn't warm up to eating anything other than strawberry ice cream and so said the hell with it and gave in. Two pounds under the target weight this morning on the scale, not something to discourage the decision. Tasted good.

Another half awake nap when I got home, up to watch the news, followed then by another hour's nap while listening (without understanding or half the time hearing) the PBS News Hour.

Evening. Watched (most of) Lola Upside Down, a subtitled Swedish series that I had difficulty understanding what in the hell it was about. Off the wall, yes, usually a plus, but this one left me (in the dust). So to bed after seven.

Again the tablet, switching to the BBC News at nine, lights out by ten, getting to sleep this time more difficult. Took longer than it has in the past. Blame it on today's naps?

The Oakland Rally for Education held in front of the Oakland City Hall taken with a Nikon D500 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.