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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


March 26, 2020


Thursday. OK, set the alarm ahead for seven-fifteen, to sleep pretty much right away to awaken at just after seven. We're adjusted to virus time. Up to head out the door in a mask again, the sun shining, the temperature in the low forties, the streets still quite empty, arriving at the restaurant just before eight to find it open and so inside to settle in at the closed off dining room, turning on the lights and getting into the papers. Ordered the two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, fruit cup and coffee. Another morning taking chances in these coronavirus days.

Finished up after nine and set out for home, the sun still bright, the temperature around fifty degrees. Took the usual series of flower pictures, getting a little better shot of the bright orange ones below the Lakeview school and of a fleeing super-girl by the lake.

Home to take the selfie before going through the morning routine of finishing off yesterday's entry and posting before getting into the processing of today's photos. Takes a while.

Later. Tablet and television and eating like a pig. Well, at least like a piglet. And thus another afternoon (and evening).

The photo up top was taken at the 2017 San Francisco Saint Patrick's Day Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.