The Bunny Hollies at the Chinese New Year Parade.
March 3rd, 1999

Should Have Shot More
Spent the day redoing sections of my workgroup's internal web site. The Bunny Hollies I tend to work on it for an hour, take a walk around the block, work on it for another hour, get some coffee, take another walk and so on, a satisfying day. Recently things have been getting better, not that they've been all that bad. I'm making a push to redo our site to have it ready when our manager returns from vacation on Monday. This is fun. Can't always say that. (There's a certain amount of kiss ass here, but she doesn't read the journal, I don't think, and it is true, after all. You believe me, right? Hello?)

A couple of better known jounals have hung up their spurs, one of them being Beth of IYSHSH who's decided to get another life. (Well, something like that. I haven't a clue as to why I write or don't write, so I'll let Beth describe any decisions she's made about her writing herself.) Beth placed a link in one of her journal entries recommending her readers take a look at my journal which significantly increased traffic and introduced me, a bit anyway, to a broader world. I thank her again. Good luck with reality.

Although they're all called journals, they're all different, very different in their tone and style, yet all of them I think, over time, give a reasonably clear glimpse of the writer, how he or she thinks and how he or she might live their lives. Even penultimate bullshitters give themselves away eventually.

I'm wondering how this journal might change with time (other than just The Bunny Hollies. fizzling out). Maybe take more time with each entry and post them weekly instead of daily. Things that are tighter and better thought out (with more pictures, of course, why not?). The "comments with pictures" pieces or entries or whatever they are that I started last year weren't particularly meant to be anything at all. No real time spent on the words and the photographs, they were really experiments more than anything else. I was just happy to get something up on the screen and didn't have a clue about color balance or brightness or contrast or how to line them up properly with borders that looked right. Still don't know how to do those things, but I know about them and I'm learning, slowly of course, but I'm learning how.

If I started with a once a week deadline I'd put it off until the last minute and end up writing a "daily" entry anyhow. There would have to be something that forced me to sit down and write every night and that something would have to be me, a notorious slaggard when it comes to enforcing rules, so I won't do that (for now). I guess its just write until you stop. Bop until you drop. A bit like life, is it not, a journal having a beginning, a middle and an end. Some last a minute, some last a month, but none last forever. (This is getting weird. I'm not thinking about stopping, particularly, perhaps I'm not thinking at all.)

The kid playing guitar is a member of a group called the "Bunny Hollies" on one of the New Years floats. The "Bunny Hollies". Way, way, way too cute. Still, the kid knew how to pose for the camera. I wish I'd taken more pictures of these "Hollies". I knew they were good photographs when I shot them, I should have shot more.

The photographs were shot last weekend at the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco. These are the "Bunny Hollies". Why not?