March 6th, 1999

No Shame After 10:00
Well, I've managed to miss another party at the Cliq Cooperative. I'm not sure why, other than I've been a hermit here these last few years. They've been OK. I look back and see how I've lived my life and think, well, that's a page out of the book. They write about people like me and they usually don't turn out so good. I read these things and think, well, I should be out socializing one way or another. Lots of people in the world, you just have to search them out, yet here I sit, not particularly uncomfortable, not really unhappy unless I don't know the difference. I mean, life's a pretty amazing trip: crowd, couple or solo. Still, I have to be careful. Although I've got a good ear for bullshit in others, I'm a bullshitter myself and not beyond hoodwinking me in my mirror.

I've been called a loner but didn't really considered myself one until I was well into my late 30's and even then I got out of the house and mingled with the world. I enjoy shooting the breeze over a few beers either after work or at a party, mine or theirs. I've given a few in my time and I've attended many more.

I've never married, never settled down. I'm not sure why. I've come close a couple of times and in looking back I've realized wherever that may have led, I didn't want to go. Regrets? I don't think so, but again, I look in the mirror. Am I kidding myself? Could be, but again, I don't think so.

So here I sit sorting books and writing this journal. (A journal about what? Shooting photographs on the weekends, skipping parties and not watching movies any more? (Except on tape, of course. One has to be realistic.) There are books all over the living room and it will take some time to put them back up on the shelves.

Pretty laid back Saturday sorting books, thinking I'd like to order that flat bed scanner Monday and do the book covers next weekend. Cut the 100 books page into sections so with the added graphics it won't take forever to download. Is this how life is supposed to be lived? I don't know. I've only had this one and, all things considered, it's been pretty good.

I think I'll run through another PhotoShop lesson now (I've been goofing off on those). I had two photographs I scanned for this page earlier, but I couldn't get the color right. Too much red. The slides look OK, plenty of red there, but there was plenty of red in the Chinese New Year Parade, yet when it was scanned it bled out all over everything and I couldn't or didn't know how to adjust it in PhotoShop. I'm assuming there's a method I haven't stumbled on yet so its back to class.

Have a good evening and remember the advice of the Eskimo: Avoid the wind at night when its forty below, keep your knickers straight and skip the yellow snow. (I know, but I'm tired and I have no shame after 10:00.)

The photograph was taken at the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco last weekend and I'd better go out and shoot some more.