Lake Oswego, Oregon last summer.
March 16th, 1999

I Don't Know
The real estate broker selling this house has informed me she's going to have an open house for brokers Thursday morning. She noticed my cat was freaked out and bouncing off the walls when she was in here last week. How did I want to handle that? Did I want to, um, maybe wash the dishes and make the bed? Finish getting the books up off the floor? (Reshelving projects take time, you know.) Ah, life. It has its little ups and downs. I'll make the bed and hope she appreciates the inflatable lady with the clever anatomical design plumped up on the pillows. I suspect her brokers will.

One thing, though. I think I'd better hide the fireworks. I need to get rid of them, really, but there are too many people around to shoot them off in the back yard and there's still a certain resistance on my part to sending them out with the garbage. Maybe you really do get wiser as you get older, but I doubt it. Same with the cameras. I don't need to have people know about the cameras and the front door you can open with a can opener.

I had an email from someone who mentioned she liked to look at SF Gay Pride Parade, 1998. the Oakland cam from time to time as she once lived in the area. I think she's the only person on the planet who does look at it though. I've been remiss in searching the web for other webcams located in places that interest me, maybe places where I lived years ago. Might be nice to put up a page, more for my own viewing than anyone else, of web cams located near old stomping grounds. Take care of any urges I might have to visit. Check out Yonkers, New York or Napa every now and then. Check out Seattle or Seoul, Korea or Sausalito. There must be people every bit as crazy as I am in those places with cameras pointed out their windows. I've heard of people checking traffic like this for their commute. Why not a quick glance at my past? Check out the weather. Because I wouldn't look at it more than twice? I don't know.

The banner photograph is of my sister in Lake Oswego last summer. The small photo was taken at the SF Gay Pride Parade last year and boy am I running out of photographs.