
May 31st, 2005
Again Tomorrow
Monday. Thus and so, here we go, another three day weekend at an end. I have accomplished little of note: no laundry, the bathtub is still cruddy and the film stands undeveloped on the kitchen shelf, but accomplishing little is nice when you spend the time with some walking, a little reading and some futzing with PhotoShop. No complaints. Believe me, no complaints. The head is funky, but funky in the sense it's a weekend after a long week at work and it needs to slow down, reintroduce itself to its pillow and take the day as it likes, one hour at a time.
Tuesday. Everything blew up at the office. OK. Let's see if it all blows up again tomorrow. Deadlines approaching. Here in Oakland.
The photograph was taken at the San Francisco Carnaval parade Sunday with a Nikon D2x mounted with a 17-55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/250th second at f 5.6 at ISO 100.
