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Lake Merritt in Oakland.

Under here.

May 1, 2009

Sleep Sleep Sleep
Friday. They say it will rain this afternoon and from the clouds outside it looks like it. Still, a cloudy day, a little rain once in a while is no great disaster, even in California. I'm having lunch in Jack London Square later with the usual crew, the ones that didn't burn themselves out last night at Harrington's. I was in no shape for Harrington's last night. We are getting better here over time but heading to Harrinton's on short notice last night was not in the cards. Similar thoughts for later this afternoon. There's supposed to be a May Day immigration march terminating in a rally in front of the Oakland City Hall at four that I'd normally think of photographing, but I wonder. No great effort is required to get there, the bus will dump me off right at the City Hall, but, well, who knows what effect a lunch in Jack London will have by the afternoon?

Piffle and poof!

I guess my outlook is a little rotten at the moment. Attitude, maybe, not outlook. I've taken well enough to the naps that seem to be required. I'm just wondering when this recuperative period will end and dump me off into a day to day norm. Will I notice? Does creeping age show itself suddenly at times when you recover from an operation? The normal day to day suddenly more tiring than you remember, even when you're doing your walking and the P. C. rest of it to keep it out there in front of you? It's three years away, hey, and if I keep eating these swell organic thing-a-ma-drops it will stay there? Three years out. Forever.

You're testy.

I am. I wonder what kind of lunch company I'll make?

Later. A decent lunch at a Korean restaurant at the edge of Jack London Square. I ate too much of the wrong stuff, this realization coming after I'd finished and a sour ache started in the stomach and the esophagus (maybe not the esophagus, who knows where they're located anymore). So what? I've had worse and maybe this will cause me to remember not to be an idiot the next time around. Mr. E announced he was laid off this week, by the way, he of two teenage kids and a mortgage to support. Not good.

Later still. Lots of rain and really tired. I'm writing this on Saturday at three in the morning with a relatively clear head, but last night was a wobbly fall into bed early and sleep sleep sleep.

The photograph was taken beside Lake Merritt in Oakland with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 18 - 200mm f 3.5 - 5.6 Nikkor DX lens at 1/1250 second, f 2.8, ISO 100.