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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


May 4, 2015


Monday. The back is back. But then I guess I mentioned that yesterday. A good night's sleep awakening but once, yes, but briefly and then awakening again thirty minutes before the alarm was due to sound. A walk to breakfast and back on an overcast morning, the sun again due later this afternoon. A Monday, a start to a new week without any bitching about a sore back or anything else. He said. Firmly. As if he knew.

Doesn't look like there's anything coming up to photograph for the next couple of weekends, the only thing on the calendar is a haircut scheduled for the middle of next week. Best to check whatever web sources I can search out to be sure. I have a long list of things I need to be doing that I've successfully been putting off, the kinds of things that don't matter until they do. And they eventually do. So we'll see about one or two.

That's the last we'll hear about any of that.

Yeah, probably. The morning is young, the week is young, the back doesn't hurt and the head is clear. Something may even come from an unusual combination like this.

Later. Ran the home Protime blood thinner test and the results were good. Last week, with forgetting to take the meds for that one day, the numbers were out of range and so now we're back on track, skating along, keeping our balance.

Still no sun out there at one. A bus to the ATM on Broadway thinking I might then walk on to the City Center to have something for lunch, but decided against it. Wasn't hungry and the City Center had no lure on this overcast and cool to actually cold midday. Could have easily worn a winter coat instead of the summer coat with the sweater.

A walk by the building on Broadway near Grand they've been renovating for a new tenant, taking a picture now that they've poured the sidewalk. I was wondering, with all the obvious underlying structure they'd built to hold the cement, if there was something special about this sidewalk, a room underneath, something. But probably not. Sidewalk construction just another area of knowledge I've never picked up in this life.

Dropped by the 7-11 look-alike for a bag of peanuts, peanuts something I decided I could eat, walking on then by the apartment house project to take pictures. At least there were one or two workmen visible, although by then it was well into the noon hour. Supervisors, probably, out inspecting, rapping knuckles.

Now, now.

Nothing accomplished yet on my mentioned “need to be doing” list, a trip to the ATM not counting, but there's still quite a bit of time left in the afternoon. We'll leave it at that.

You always do.

Evening. Nothing on television, not unusual, so more time on the tablet. Not the end of the world. It is comfortable to watch whatever while lying in bed. Posted more apartment house construction pictures to the web sites. They really aren't very interesting photographs. Still, you start a project, you make mistakes, you learn. I could have gone after more drama and still have shown its progress through the sheer number of pictures. Well, in another pass.

Passed by this walking home from the ATM earlier. A little tongue in cheek spray can humor not all that far from the apartment.

The photo up top was taken at the May Day demonstration held in front of the Oakland City Hall with a Nikon D4s mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.