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Under Construction
Near the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland

November 28th, 2004

Actually Answer
Well, we've had a week go by and I've not written many entries. I've taken it easy, allowed myself to vegetate, eaten my fill at restaurants with clean table cloths. I've over analyzed my ongoing headaches, bellyaches, sore muscles, cold feet and bitched to my heart's content here in the journal. Do I feel ready to return to IT central, the computer fast track (from hell)? Who knows? It's the holiday season and I've had my first hot sake.

How did dinner go with the “rowdy cousins” last night?

Very nice. We had dinner at a restaurant called Betelnut, a Chinese restaurant that's located a short block from our old office on Union Street. Boy-howdy has Union Street changed since I was last there some thirty years ago. Some of the store fronts and restaurants I remember, but the whole street was crowded with younger up scale folks playing at living in the fast lane in San Francisco. This is not sour grapes - it's a hell of a lot of fun paying at living in the fast lane in San Francisco.

My cousins looked well, their kids now working in L.A.: one an intern on a sitcom, his sister with a TV post production company. I think I've gotten that right. Something like that. I'm not sure how they're doing, I know little about film and television, but I suspect they're in the middle of a hurricane and having a hell of a (good) time. They've got pretty good heads on their shoulders in a business where that's relatively rare. I suspect they'll do fine.

Monday, the 29th. I felt pretty good today, the day itself passing like lightening. Or am I kidding myself? I usually say my head comes together and is ready for adventure about the time the vacation is over. If I'd taken another week, might I have been lying in bed this morning bitching at the ceiling? The answer could be troubling (if I should ask and then actually answer).

The photograph was taken today on the way to breakfast near the Grand Lake theater in Oakland with a Nikon D2h mounted with a 17-55mm f2.8 Nikkor lens at ISO 200.