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Under Construction
San Francisco Carnaval parade

November 30th, 2005

And Move On
Wednesday. What can I say about this Wednesday, any Wednesday, except the evening is clear (as in my head is clear; it's raining like crazy outside) and the demons are scratching at the windows? Out there in the rain, the little bastards.

Thursday. Blip, and a day passes. The head aching this evening, but I've got a fresh large bottle of Corona sitting on the kitchen counter and I'm going to opt for a headache and a buzz. Sometimes they work together and I feel better, sometimes they work together and I feel worse. Hard to figure. Still, I'm taking tomorrow off to finish preparations for my photography session on Saturday and all is right with the world. I said it was raining like crazy yesterday, and it was raining, but it was really “raining like crazy” today and most of last night, so let's get that straight and move on.

The photograph was taken at the San Francisco Carnaval Parade with a Nikon D2x mounted with a 17-55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/250th second, f 5.6 and ISO 100.