
November 10, 2007
Photography Counts
Saturday. Another good night's sleep, another breakfast at the usual place (everyone said hi!), some futzing around with the journal and the photographs, a bus ride later downtown for a salad in the City Center, back now with the sky cloudy and just a bit of rain. Things seem back to normal, the head as funky as ever. Still, some things have changed after spending time in strange surroundings with some of the usual crew: I've done the walking; I'm futzing with a series of photographs from the trip (that is still undergoing additions and deletions); I've looked at the web cam and said to myself “yep, there it is” and I'm thinking of taking more naps. See, you jog your brain by getting it out of town and all sorts of things happen.
Then again it's Saturday on a rainy day much like the days of my youth in Seattle, so it brings back fond memories of being cooped up inside doing the things you do when you're cooped up inside such as drawing pictures, reading and listening to music, all of which I'm doing now, simultaneously with little or no effort (Ms. Emmy sitting comfortably on my lap.).
You're drawing pictures?
Photography counts.
The photograph was taken in Bodie, California with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17 - 55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/2000th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.
