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On the road to Yosemite Valley, California.

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November 15, 2007

So Many Things
Thursday. I had some sake last night, as I had the night before. Not that much, enough to sooth the sinus- head thing, not so much as to notice it the next morning or to feel a need to hide the fact from the doctors. The equivalent of two, maybe three glasses of wine over the course of the evening. Still, something I guess I fret about lest the number of glasses grow and the evenings become more common. It does feel good with the sinuses and dragging ass and everything, but it probably isn't any good for the mid to long term prognosis of the patient.

That was written last night. Another “oh my god I've been drinking sake again” lamentation. What a wuss. Now, after ten hours sleep, I feel pretty good after what was an extremely funky day yesterday. I've heard old farts say they have good days and bad days, bad days being days when you pretty much stay in bed and pet the cat for excitement, maybe that's what I was dealt yesterday: an old fart's bad day on the farm. As long as they're followed by good days, what's to complain? And what do I mean by a “good day”? Well, after returning from breakfast at the usual café this morning, a very nice breakfast I might add, I packed up the twenty rolls of exposed black and white film I've had sitting on the kitchen counter and took them to what is now the last remaining custom black and white photo processor in the area to have contact sheets made. How long have I been talking about this? Years? Yes, years. (Years!)

So, let's see, in addition to the twenty exposed rolls now being processed, I have another four loaded into developing tanks sitting in my closet. They've been there for over a year or else I'd have included them with the twenty I just dropped off. I'm doing them today. (I know, I know, but for some reason I have to say these things knowing full well how often I'm embarrassed by failure.) I wonder how they've fared sitting on my kitchen counter. Be interesting to see what's on them. I suspect there will be surprises. I hope this means I'll continue to shoot black and white on a artsy-fartsy now and again basis and I'll develop them once they're shot real quick. But then we hope for so many amusing things, here in Oakland.

The photograph was taken on the road to Yosemite Valley, California with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17 - 55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/1250th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.