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Union Square, San Francisco.

Under here.

November 27, 2007

Sun Goes Out
Tuesday. A bit on the cool side this morning as I write around eight. It's supposed to get up into the sixties today, but I can finally tell I'm not in California anymore with the temperature and everything.


Ah, yes, but I'm in a good mood. Maybe that lens will arrive today, maybe it won't. The UPS tracking site says it's been sitting down the road in San Pablo since Sunday, but sometimes they don't update the fact it's on the truck until after the package has arrived. My only fear is I'd like to be sure they don't leave it on the doorstep if I'm not here. Have they done this before? Why, yes, they have. If that's to be my task for the day I can handle it.

Well, after that I went to breakfast at the usual place around nine getting a call asking if I wanted to go to a going away dim sum lunch (two more IT people being out sourced this Friday) at 11:30? Why sure. Breakfast, then lunch two hours later, I can do that. You've got to suck it up when you're retired.

Oh just stop.

I agree. The head is funky, I'm listening to the news on Public Television (it appears everything is just as not well with the world as it was not well yesterday, my friends) and thinking the lens hasn't arrived, so we'll repeat our vigil tomorrow, and maybe take another nap before the sun goes out.

The photograph was taken in Union Square, San Francisco, Saturday with a Nikon D2X mounted with a 17 - 55mm f 2.8 Nikkor lens at 1/500th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.