Mine Was Fine
Thursday. We're closing in on midnight, home now having driven up to Sebastopol to see Mr. S play with his band at the Ace in the Hole Pub, an interesting place an hour or so north of here out in the boondocks. I say boondocks because none of our cell phones could make a connection. Excitement, don't you think? Indeed.
Lunch today with Ms. V at the Korean restaurant, an excellent lunch, my head in the usual screwed up condition except I'd dropped a number of the prescribed pills to take off the edges, a walk halfway back home before hopping on the bus (this is good, walking is good), a nap before heading for Sebastopol for Guinness and good times (as I mentioned) in the boondocks, back now before midnight, a neat shot of Jack Daniel's to finish the evening. How was your Thursday? Mine was fine.