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An art gallery window in Bisbee, AZ.

Under here.

November 19, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho!
Wednesday. Very tired yesterday but I got a good nine hours sleep last night and I'm thinking a nap would be nice before the day goes much further. We'll leave it at that. I'm tired, I could speculate, but let's just get the sleep and then get up; get out of bed and get on with it.


Breakfast at my café, back now with the stucco guys working just outside on my balcony, the second coat of three coats now drying on the building. Takes time, these things. Makes you wonder with all the stops and starts how any of this ever gets done in the first place.

Later. A nap, this afternoon. Still tired. Haircut tomorrow morning then a meet with the usual crew later in San Francisco for beverages. Some of the conversation should be instructive as the old company has announced they'll be laying off a thousand employees soon (most of them in the United States because the lazy little buggers cost so much) and moving a then downsized Oakland headquarters to somewhere outside the state, the final plan to be announced in December. Which means pretty much everyone there will be looking for another job over the holidays. (Ho! Ho! Ho!)

The photograph was taken through an art gallery window in Bisbee, AZ with a Nikon D3 mounted with a 24 - 70mm f 2.8 Nikkor G lens at 1/250th second, f 2.8, ISO 200.