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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


November 16, 2016

In Bed

Wednesday. Lights out just after ten, awake at five forty-five after a reasonable night's rest. I guess. Up to walk to breakfast on a clear still dark morning, the air a little colder than recently and so a winter coat. So far, so good.

The eggs Benedict with country potatoes for breakfast. Seemed the right idea and so didn't think about it much. A bright sun walking home after eight, taking one or two pictures. I'm getting the light better on the flower photographs, although as flower photographs they're, well, never going to be put up on anyone's wall.

Home to post yesterday's entry and take a dose of the pain meds before lying down. You forget how this sinus-upper palate aching is affecting your day to day existence. Affects everything, takes a good piece off your top to the point that on some days it leaves you crawling. Hi, ho. The sun is out and so a walk later to pick up that prescription refill we skipped getting yesterday. Something to keep us going after the package due later from Amazon arrives.

Later. Well, an hour after taking the pain meds I seem to be feeling better so I guess we're learning we're not going to be giving up on the meds. Feeling better means I can look back at what I wrote this morning and flinch. Babble. Early morning babble. Still, the day has turned around somewhat. Can't complain.

The Amazon order was shipped from two different locations and so the first arrived early this afternoon, but the second is still out there on a truck somewhere, undoubtedly coming later this evening. They say before eight and if it doesn't arrive by noon or so, after six and later is more often than not when they show up.

Which means?

Which means we're probably cooped up here for the rest of the day and we'll put the prescription pickup off again until tomorrow. No big deal, we've still got some left.

Later still. The second package arrived at three, so much for my guess it would arrive after six, but thereby lifting the mood, if that makes any difference. Spent the time assembling the two 8"x10" albums I'd bought late last week, the two albums and the dozen packages of five page inserts, all of them together holding a total of one hundred and forty pictures. They're complicated to assemble as they consist of inserts, screws, extension pins and such which take time to figure out, particularly as I had to go back and start over more than once.

A productive afternoon, though, that included cleaning up in the kitchen. And yes this sort of thing makes me happy, given how long I've been putting them off.

Now to put the pictures in a rational order, some of the earlier prints needing reprinting and replacing as they look as if they'd been done by an idiot, a blind idiot. I'm curious how long it will take as I have in mind a similar project putting together larger prints, not in albums, but for public display. Days? Weeks?


Evening. Watched the last half of Democracy Now that I'd missed this morning and then bailed and headed for the bedroom and the tablet. Not sure I'd mess with the tablet if I had to watch it anywhere other than on or in bed.

The photo up top was taken of high school students protesting the Trump election Monday at the Lake Merritt white column pergola with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.