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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


November 26, 2018


Monday. Arrived this morning at eight-thirty to take a cab home and settle in after nineteen hours on the train. Some nine of those hours in bed sleeping, of course, but still a long trip. Haven't traveled on the train now in years to note they've been whittling away some of the nicer aspects in that time - no more lounge car, no more morning papers, no more a bunch of others - but still a nice way to travel.

Some ups and downs with the double vision and “tiredness” business in Portland, but a good trip, good to see the sister and the nephew and catch up on what's been happening these last couple of years. We had Thanksgiving dinner with the nephew's girl friend's parents, her mother quite a good photographer herself, and so there were three of us present who were infected with the photography disease.

A walk to the morning restaurant in the early afternoon to photograph the current gas prices (any old excuse to get in a walk no matter how lame) and ended up having lunch (BLT sandwich, potato salad and coffee), walking as far as the theater bus stop on the way back before hopping on a bus that happened to arrive just as I did for the rest of the way home. So much for any old excuse to take a walk. Evidently I'm as ready to use any old excuse to cut one short.

Later. Took a bath, listened to the news, downloaded the pictures I'd taken on the trip and processed a few to get a start. I'd photographed the Wild Arts Festival with my sister in Portland and processed those pictures on her computer to give to the sponsors of the festival, but had made a mistake in a white balance setting that I didn't correct properly in Lightroom.

Dumb mistake on my part, but found another setting that brought them back to better life this afternoon and so I'll finish reprocessing them tomorrow to send to festival contact person. Know why I'd made the error while shooting, wish I hadn't, as it may mean there are more of these kinds of things to come.

Evening. OK, a doctor's appointment tomorrow in the late morning, to bed tonight early. They're saying rain tomorrow morning after the commute, so we'll drive to breakfast for the chance of rain and, more importantly, to be sure the car's battery is still charged and the car will in fact start.

The photograph was taken Saturday at the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation Holiday Express event in Portland with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 24 - 70mm f 2.8 Nikkor G lens.