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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


November 13, 2019


Wednesday. Awoke a couple of times during the night before awakening for good at a quarter to six to get up and take the blood pressure: 106/65. OK, yesterday evening's med has taken effect. Up and out the door to walk to breakfast under an overcast sky, the temperature pretty good, although the eyes were watering full tilt, arriving at the restaurant before seven to find it open and people inside. Settled in with the papers. Good.

Ordered the avocado and mushroom omelet, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee for breakfast, going through the papers at a pretty good clip and so finished up by eight-thirty to set out for home. A picture of the newly painted front of the IKAROS Greek restaurant, surprised and wondering when they'd started, as this was the first time I'd noticed. A scooter and bicycle at the light by the Grand Lake theater, another scooter and bike at the light under the 580 Overpass and a single Gruv scooter by the lake, home to take the selfie and head upstairs to finish yesterday's entry and start this.

Later. Listened to the House Impeachment Hearings from nine until it ended after twelve before catching a bus downtown to order glasses at Site For Sore Eyes. Interesting to see myself fighting the idea of going, but the body finally just put on a jacket and headed out the door.

I'd forgotten how much of Broadway is under construction - buildings, streets and sidewalks - and that the return bus route along Broadway detours over to Franklin causing all kinds of traffic during the noon hour. Got off the bus to find Site For Sore eyes had moved. No Site For Sore Eyes, no need to have headed downtown.

OK, crossed Broadway to a stop before the detour starts and caught the free shuttle to Grand after a ten minute wait to then walk home. Felt hungry, but nothing came to mind I was willing to pick up to eat when I got home. Hungry without being able to think of anything I was willing to eat. Still not quite able to get my head around the concept.

Evening. Stayed up long enough to glance at Midsomer Murders (why do I still do that?) at eight, realized I'd seen it before and definitely didn't need to see it again and so to bed to finish watching one or two things on the tablet before turning the lights out and radio off at close to ten. Close to ten. Be interested in seeing what time it causes me to awake in the morning.

The photograph was taken of a portion of an Oscar Mehserle remembrance mural put up to protect windows from demonstrators near the Oakland City Hall, taken in November 2010 in downtown Oakland with a Nikon D3s mounted with a 24 - 120mm f 4.0 Nikkor VR lens.