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An OAT at lunch.
November 15th, 1999

We'll Find Out
I get a number of hits from people searching on "sole" these days, "sole", "sole proprietor" and "sole proprietorship" making sense, but there are others that are less clear: "Dawn Sole", "Sole Music", "sole proprietorshits, "sole sex" and "sole remote control sc-232" are recent examples. There are also the searchers who snag their oar on the old fart in his mid fifties description: "fart bakedbean feces arse" and "fart" appearing in the last twenty queries.

I wonder what other journals get through the search engines? If you search on the word "sole" by itself on Alta Vista you get 1,026,290 pages, the first one of which is mine. Google lists me 25th out of 403,407 matches. I'm "sole" number 101 on MSN out of 1,026,406 possible sites. I'm 14th out of 7,648 on AOL. Lycos lists me ninth. Yahoo? Well, Yahoo has never listed my journal (yes, I've applied... and applied... and applied) so "sole" doesn't bring up anything, but I'm listed first if you search on "sole proprietor" out of 10,557 different entries with my old NBBC.COM site listed 6th.

Now. Is this good? Do people searching for business information about sole proprietorships read journals? Or the 11% of the people searching on "fart"? What are their broader interests in life? Do you think they'll look at my 100 books? They clicked on the link, at least, leaving their fingerprints in my log. Does one look a gift fart.... Oh. Alright.

There is a musician - songwriter who has trademarked the name The A member of our group at lunch. Sole Proprietor and we have had some discussions about "The Sole Proprietor" moniker and how that might impact his own arrival on the web when he starts selling his music. I wondered then what he was going to do with all the hits he was going to get on business sole proprietorship sites when people searched the web for his music. I'm not sure my own site will make much difference, although my thoughts on the subject are to bend if it becomes necessary. I hope he has some hits and makes some money and "The Sole Proprietor" will not be an issue. But it might. Life is like that. I have another domain name in reserve. Elvis won't mind. Maybe the colonel will. Possibly the estate. We'll find out.

The photographs were taken within the last six weeks of coworkers at lunch. These are low light photographs taken with my elbows propped up on the table at perhaps 1/30th of a second so they're a little fuzzy.