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October 7, 2020


Wednesday Awoke around five-thirty to zone in and out until just before six to listen to the KPFA five minute news followed by Democracy Now!, none of which I really remember, so I'm assuming I got quite a bit of sleep last night, enough at least to avoid taking naps through the coming afternoon.

Overcast and quite cool walking to breakfast, noting for the first time what I'm assuming is an outside dining area they're building in the parking area across Grand down beyond the theater. Arrived to find I was their only dining customer and remained such until a mother and her child arrived to have breakfast an hour later. Overcast and cold evidently doesn't draw customers.

The two strips of bacon, scrambled eggs, country potatoes, toast, fruit cup and coffee again, they all seem the same after a while, finishing up just after nine to walk home, the sky still overcast, the temperature still quite cool. The weather people are saying it will reach into the high sixties today and through the coming weekend. No mention of rain on Friday, something every news broadcast has been hoping might happen.

OK, home to take the selfie and settle in at the computer, the attention wandering a bit and so taking longer than usual to get things done. The focus not great, the words wandering, but nothing too particularly upsetting. Seems we got a decent night's sleep and now we'll see about a visit to the storage rental shed, a task I've been avoiding forever, but thinking I'd attempt today or, more likely, tomorrow.

Later. The air index has evidently been Unhealthy For Some all morning, a bit sobering since I'm one of the Some. Odd not to feel it in any way though when I'm outside.

I'd ordered the new David Attenborough book A Life On Our Planet after hearing an interview with him on the PBS Newshour, but then discovered today that the documentary released along with it was available on Netflix and so watched it this afternoon. I'll be interested in comparing my reaction to it with the book when it arrives on Friday.

One of his themes was he was born at the right time to experience a life on a healthy planet and I suspect I can say the same thing, being born fifteen years later than he when the world's population was a third of what it is now, but being able to take advantage of an environment people won't be seeing being born now.

Evening. Watched, then lied down on the bed and listened to the debate on the radio. I'll be interested in hearing the various reactions on the news programs tomorrow, but I suspect no particular damage was done and something new will happen to blow it off the page, maybe by a presidential Tweet later tonight. We do live in interesting times, interesting enough so that even without the coronavirus it makes you want to hide inside.

The photo up top was taken at the 2018 San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.