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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


October 10, 2020


Saturday To sleep around the usual time not all that long after ten, the bedroom windows open as the air quality was still quite good, to awaken at ten minutes to six and listen to the news on the radio before getting up to walk to breakfast on another cool and overcast morning. Arrived at the usual time and settled in at my table on the restaurant patio, remembering (and a little dreading due to the virus) I had a haircut appointment coming up at nine-thirty.

The plain waffle with sliced bananas and strawberries, fruit cup and coffee this time, taking my time with the papers and reading more stories than I usually might to finish up and leave with ten minutes to go before the appointment, shooting the usual set of flowers on the way and arriving on time to settle into the barber's chair. I was the only customer, comfortable enough masked during the cutting, but I don't envy the stylist condemned to be in such close proximity to an endless stream of customers in this environment.

All of which means?

I'm going to put off getting my next haircut for quite while.

On then home. More flower pictures, the one lone California poppy no longer there and so to the apartment to take the selfie and settle in here at the computer to go through the usual routine, finishing up by noon.

Later. Overcast and cool through the afternoon, taking a brief walk up the way to see what they've been doing on the construction site. Seems they've been active. A quick walk back halfway down the hill to see what was going on over at the lake and then back to the apartment to watch a quarter or so of the Tennessee-Georgia game while they were still close.

The air quality is Normal, the particulate count better than the reading earlier this morning. No interest in lying down and watching something on the tablet or much else, for that matter.

Evening. Watched Absence of Malice made in 1981 starring Paul Newman and Sally Field that started at eight, but gave up after about forty minutes and went to bed. Like Paul Newman and Sally Field well enough, but the thing didn't jell, not sure why.

The photo up top was taken at the 2018 San Francisco LGBTQ Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.