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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 25, 2015


Friday. Lights out at ten and to sleep reasonable soon thereafter, waking up but once to awaken then at six forty-four, the same time to the minute I awakened yesterday morning. Hmm. The one thing I remember, half awake, half dreaming, was wrestling with starting the battery dead car, upset with the idea, something to be avoided as you might avoid, say, carrying a camera through an unseemly neighborhood all rife with paranoia.

Irrational, in other words, but I think it means we have to start the car today and move it near an electrical outlet so we can charge the battery, driving it Sunday to breakfast and a run by the supermarket after, whether we need a supermarket run or not. Either that or go through more nights like these. Otherwise a pretty good night's sleep (I think), albeit encumbered by fitful dreaming.

Later. Well, I did it. Managed to get the car hood open and up enough to reach the battery (the car hood was parked under an overhanging cabinet and the hood could only be raised a foot), attached the small battery car starter unit, turned the key and the engine came to life. Just like that.

Backed the car out from under the overhanging cabinet so I could then prop the hood open. Good. The building supervisor is out at the moment, we'll hook up the charging unit (as opposed to the starer unit) when he gets back. (Just like that.)

An hour later the building supervisor was home and so we hooked up the charging unit. Seems to be working, although I'll know how well in another five hours. Takes six hours to give an average battery a full charge and mine started an hour ago. But good, we're making progress, my fitful dreams of dread last night seem to have been useful and getting me off the dime.

Later still. A walk over to the apartment house construction site to take more pictures and then an iced coffee and a bun at the café across the street. Decent coffee, good apple something or other bun. It was. They were. Back now to sit in front of the fan, as it's hot out there, up into the low eighties again.

Another hour later and the car battery is making progress after what is now a total of two hours. It says. I hope.

Evening. Nothing on television this evening, the battery continues to charge, but I suspect my six hours to charge will be more like ten or twelve. Be nice to wake up in the morning and drive a car with a fully charged battery to breakfast just to celebrate. Which we might.

Just stop.

Ah, well. Not much to say, otherwise. A decent day, the head is reasonably clear if you don't count the sinus-upper palate thing that's always with us. It's not been out of line, but always in the line. My sister's birthday today, we'll call now and give her our best wishes for a happy one up there in Portland.

The photo up top was taken yesterday noon at the corner of Bellevue and Grand with a Nikon D4 mounted with a 24-120mm f 4.0 VR Nikkor lens.