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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 11, 2016

Them Done

Sunday. I did get to bed early, lights out early and to sleep early. If memory serves. Awake at quarter after six thinking I must have gotten a decent night's sleep and so got up to get ready for breakfast, the old Tribune, now East Bay Times, not having been delivered yet. It had been late in arriving yesterday, but I'd been able to pick it up outside the apartment house front door as I was heading for the garage, today it had yet to show up.

Ah, well. A drive to and from breakfast on an overcast morning, feeling reasonably good and assuming we'll head out and photograph the Oakland Pride Street Festival, but skip the parade that starts it off this morning at ten.

Later. More serious feelings of “should I go photograph this thing?” this time before just saying the hell with it and taking a bus (and the two cameras) to 20th Street and Broadway, except the bus had been rerouted due to the earlier parade and I ended up walking eight or nine blocks to get to the entrance. Still, felt pretty good, although I was keeping a close eye on the progress. Just in case.

Long lines getting in, quite a crowd assembling by one, and so up and down the length of the blocked off streets taking pictures for an hour, about the time I spent shooting yesterday. So far, so good. Sun, but cooler. Still, tired after the walk to the entrance and then the shooting, so off to catch the bus home. A bus that didn't come.

Gave up and walked back to the apartment, stopping to buy a turkey burger along the way at the burger drive-in. I'd gotten on the scale this morning at one hundred and forty-nine pounds even. The second time I've weighed under one-fifty in probably sixty years and I was figuring best to eat more today, starting with a larger breakfast and now the turkey burger (with no onions).


We're a bit tired from all the running around, but none of yesterday's light headed crap, the outing a more than reasonable success. Better to have stayed longer and gotten more pictures, but I may be able to stretch it into two sections of photographs or settle for one somewhat overpopulated section and either way call it a success.

I do admit to thinking maybe I need to put together an exercise program. If I'm going to take more pictures over any period of time - months, years? - I'm going to have to work at it to make it happen. More walking, yes, but maybe something more radical like joining the local fitness club. If I'm able to put up with it.

Just stop. You've done fitness clubs and bailed after a few months from every one.

Yeah, but this time it's telling me we need to get serious. The downside is real and there's only so much time to turn it around if I'm to make use of it, continue with the pictures for as long as I can.

Later still. OK, the head and such are fine. The afternoon has produced some sore muscles, not overly sore, but that's about it, that's how a lot of walking around shooting pictures is supposed to turn out. Started the web sections, processed a few pictures and then gave up, sat down and watched television.

Evening. I watched an Elementary episode I'd seen before without remembering who'd done the evil deed until the end but that was it for television. Went to bed. We'll start this weekend's photographs tomorrow when we're up for getting them done.

The photo up top was taken at the National Prison Strike demonstration today at Latham Square with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.