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Here In Oakland

Art & Life


September 22, 2020


Tuesday Lights out just after ten again, to sleep soon after (I think, don't remember it dragging out) to awaken at five-thirty with a sore, but not overly sore, chest and then zone out until it was close to seven, having gotten enough sleep. I think. Feels right.

Drove to the Lakeshore ATM and then to breakfast, the sky overcast, the temperature in the high fifties and so wearing a heavier jacket to park and settle in at my table on the restaurant patio and start on the papers. Finished up by nine-fifteen, just as the meter was due to time out, and drove straight home to take the selfie and settle in here at the computer, going through the usual routine and finishing up at ten-thirty. Early, having fewer pictures of process.

Later. The air quality is still in the Good category this afternoon, according to the Chronicle link, the sky a clear blue and so naturally I've been listening to news programs in between time spent lying on the bed with the tablet.

Evening. The air quality still listed as Good with a low particulate number. There's been an English thing running on PBS on Tuesdays I've been avoiding and so nothing on television and Red Rock on the tablet has become grinding to watch as the plot line has now been dragged out forever and so to bed without the tablet by nine, lights out quite a bit later.

The photo up top was taken at the San Francisco 2017 LGBTQ Pride Parade with a Nikon D5 mounted with a 70-200mm f 2.8 VR II Nikkor lens.