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San Francisco 2006 Carnaval Parade.

Under here.

February 6, 2009

Coming Together
Friday. A teeth cleaning appointment this morning at ten remembering the fact in the middle of breakfast. I've remembered and forgotten it now three or four times over these last three days, not sure why. Still, I arrived on time with a slightly sour stomach, not having had the time to lie down for a while and drink water after breakfast before setting out for the dentist's office in Berkeley, the world more and more tethered to my stomach. OK, new territory, the brain running overtime to keep up.

The doctor's office called to suggest March 6th for the operation, a Friday, and I called back to see if they couldn't schedule it for the following Monday. They say get it done at the beginning of the week and try not to stay over a weekend. I'm not sure how much difference that makes, but I've heard it from too many people in the medical profession. I don't have to have it done immediately, so find an open Monday. Should I check with the Stanford people to see if they have more experience with this? I suspect I should.

Later. Well, OK, Wednesday the 11th at 6AM. They are big about getting started early. We'll leave it at that except for some phone calls next week to confirm there are no other options. The family physician says, yes, it's a big deal, but the symptoms will only get worse and I will only get older, so one plus one equals two: do it now.

Otherwise nothing much on the plate today. I did get my teeth cleaned ($91 now that I no longer have dental insurance), which is good, the young lady thought the gums were better and the weather is supposed to be cloudy, but no rain for the Chinese New Year Parade tomorrow in San Francisco. The weekend ahead, some thought of driving up to see Mr. S and his band somewhere beyond Santa Rosa after shooting the parade. Things seem to be coming together.

The photograph was taken at the San Francisco 2006 Carnaval Parade with a Nikon D2X mounted with an 70 - 200mm f 2.8 Nikkor VR lens at 1/800th second, f 2.8, ISO 100.